St. Patrick's Day Bells

Tomorrow, St Patrick's Day, bells in both St Mary's church and St Feichin's church will ring out for 15 minutes at 11.00am as a call to prayer and reflection.

Parishioners are invited and encouraged, if they are in a position to do so, to stop and pray during those 15 minutes for all those who are working so hard in our front line services and those who are helping in any way to reduce the threat of the virus. It's an act of solidarity and of our trust in God.

Stay positive everyone, keep in contact with family and friends and those who live alone.

Everyone's intentions will be remembered by me at private Mass tomorrow.

Be kind and support each other, look out for weaker members in our community.

Our Lady Queen of Peace ...pray for us.

Sts Patrick & Feichin .... pray for us.

Fr Patrick


St. Patrick's Day 2020 in Collinstown


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