Lough Lene Gaels Healthy Club ACE Group

After a great year Lough Lene Gaels Healthy Club ACE Group will recommence on Wednesday 4th September.

The Lough Lene Gaels Healthy Club ACE Group was formed in September 2018. They meet on a Wednesday morning at Lough Lene Gaels Clubhouse. ACE stands for Art, Culture and Exercise.

Teresa Doyle is the facilitator and it is supported through the Rural Social Scheme. The workshops run six to eight weeks at a time, depending on the calendar, and on the weather of course. 

During the past twelve months, LLGHC ACE members, in addition to their clubhouse workshops, have also enjoyed visits to local walkways, learning more about and enjoying local amenities whilst also building friendships. In April, a group visit was planned to the Nancy/Nellie walkway and to Jane’s Coffee Shop in Fore. in May, to celebrate Bealtaine, a night out was had at Mullingar Arts Centre to see ‘The Experience of Being’, a new play by Carol Moore.

In June, members exhibited all their Artwork, shared poems some had written and supported Collinstown/Fore ICA in the ‘Wear and Share’ North Westmeath Creative Tourism Festival Apron Day in Collinstown Hall.

Before the summer break a beautiful lunch was enjoyed when the group visited Helen and Christopher Kelly at Lough Bishop House.

The ACE Workshops are themed. This approach allows a space for participants to develop their thoughts, ideas and their own creativity. Each series includes a physical activity which could be a group walk around the pitch. This is all done amidst a relaxed, enjoyable atmosphere. Most group members are in a position to return next week (1st September), but there are places for four new participants if you wish to join. Candidates must be 18+, live locally and be willing to give it a go. No art experience is necessary. If you are interested, contact Teresa at 0876421148, or teresamdoyles@gmail.com.

Thank you


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